Online Obituaries, Death & Funeral Notices

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Photo & videos cloud storage of 1GB. Up to 55 minutes of family video and 550 photos.

What is the difference between a death notice and an Obituary? What are the other notices I see in publications?

  • Obituary / Funeral Notices / Death Notices

An Obituary (Funeral Notice or Death Notice) is usually published following the death of a person and provides details of family, along with information about their upcoming funeral service.

A further note about Obituaries. Traditionally an Obituary was written in the newspaper and was an account of a person’s life and achievements. In more current times, an obituary is intertwined with the words death notice and funeral notice.

  • Anniversary Notices / In Memoriam Notices

Anniversary Notices (In Memoriam Notices) are usually published on the anniversary of a Loved One’s passing.

  • Family Notice / Acknowledgement Notice

A Family Notice (Acknowledgement Notice) is usually published after a funeral or memorial service to thank all those who supported the family in their time of need.

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